
Whenever you get cravings, you need to be aware of it and figure out the cause. The reason behind your cravings may be emotional. You need to know whether you are longing for one thing or many different things.

We are human and we definitely have food cravings sometimes. Sometimes I want to eat sweets, other times I want something fried, other times I want to eat as I like, and other times I want to eat homemade food prepared by my mother. There are many reasons why we feel compelled to eat a certain food. Most of the time we don’t want to eat too much of any nutrient. Most desires have emotional roots. Every now and then you may think that craving is a bad thing, but if you understand it correctly, it can help you cope with it easily.

Hormonal changes can occur during pregnancy, menopause or due to period cravings. Certain emotional reactions can also lead you to cravings. If you are given candy for doing well in an exam, it can lead to sweet cravings in adulthood. Nutritional deficiencies or other health conditions can also cause you to crave certain foods.

Whenever you get cravings, you need to be aware of it and figure out the cause. Image by Shutterstock

Let us know how you can fulfill your wishes.

Understand why cravings happen

Whenever you get cravings, you need to be aware of it and figure out the cause. The reason behind your cravings may be emotional. You need to know whether you are craving just one thing or many different things.

Maybe you have some history with this. If your craving has an emotional cause, getting to the bottom of it can often help keep you in check.

A variety of foods are eaten

Your body gets the nutrients and vitamins it needs from a variety of foods, and no single food can provide you with all the nutrients you need in the amounts you need. Eating a variety of foods makes it easier to eat a balanced diet and get the nutrients you need every day.

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Sometimes cravings indicate that you are deficient in a particular nutrient. For example, if you crave sweets, you may be deficient in chromium, a mineral found in many foods, including some fruits.

Cravings suddenly increase when you are tired. Image: Shutterstock

Plan for meals and snacks

Plan your meals and snacks for the day or week to avoid confusion. If you know what you eat throughout the day, you will not eat junk food when you are hungry. Eat meals at the same time each day and have nutritious breakfast options to avoid hunger between meals, which can stimulate cravings.

Getting enough sleep is very important

Cravings suddenly increase when you are tired. When your night’s sleep is interrupted, you’re likely to crave carbohydrates and sugar for energy. Lack of sleep increases appetite. When you’re extremely tired, your tired brain craves junk food, which increases your cravings even more.

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