
Quinoa Oats Dosa, one of the healthiest recipes, is beneficial for both taste and health. This gives the body plenty of protein and fiber. Know the recipe and benefits of Quinoa Oats Dosa

During summer, hunger often starts to decrease due to thirst. In such a situation, people often start looking for nutritious and light food options. Quinoa Oats Dosa, one of the healthiest recipes, is beneficial for both taste and health. Due to this, the body gets plenty of protein and fiber, due to which the body remains active throughout the day. Know Quinoa Oats Dosa and its benefits.

Quinoa Oats Dosa, rich in fiber, iron and protein is very effective for health. Eating it not only helps in weight loss but also provides plenty of nutrients. Eating it improves digestion and strengthens bones. Quinoa Oats Dosa is a great option to have a light, flavorful and nutritious meal during the summer season.

Quinoa is in demand
Quinoa, rich in vitamins and minerals, can be included in your weight loss diet. Image by Shutterstock.

Know the benefits of ingredients used in Quinoa Oats Dosa

1. Quinoa is a gluten-free food

Quinoa is a gluten-free food rich in fiber. Eating it keeps the glucose level in the body under control. Apart from that, it also keeps the cholesterol level in the body under control. Quinoa also proves to be very useful in weight loss. By eating it, hunger is controlled.

2. Oats boost metabolism

Many people choose oats as a healthy breakfast option. The amino acids, fiber and proteins present in it increase the nutritional value. Beta glucan is also found in oats. Apart from this, eat oats to keep the digestive system strong during summer. This removes problems like bloating, indigestion and constipation.

How to improve gut health by eating oats?
Amino acids, fiber and protein present in oats increase its nutritional value. Image: Adobe Stock

3. Lentils strengthen bones

The body gets amino acids, proteins and vitamin B1 by consuming pulses. This strengthens the bones. Moreover, the energy level in the body is maintained. Eating lentils keeps the glucose levels in the body normal.

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4. Lentils control bad cholesterol

By adding pulses to the diet, the body gets proteins. It reduces the risk of heart related problems and also keeps blood pressure under control. By eating it, the energy level in the body is maintained. With its regular consumption, the level of bad cholesterol in the body can be reduced.

John's Quinoa Oats Dosa Recipe
Women who love to eat dosa can make Quinoa Oats Dosa. Image: Shutterstock

Quinoa Oats Dosa

We need to make it

Quinoa 1 cup
Chana dal 1/4 cup
urad dal 1/2 cup
Oats 1/2 cup
Masur dal 1/2 cup
Fenugreek seeds 1 tsp
Ginger 1 inch
1 to 2 green chillies
Coriander 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Water as needed

How to make Quinoa Oats Dosa

To do this, combine quinoa, oats, urad dal, moong dal, masoor dal and chana dal in a vessel.

Now pour water in the vessel and soak all the ingredients together. After soaking for 3 to 4 hours, separate from the water.

Mix all the soaked lentils in a blender, add green chillies, ginger, coriander leaves, salt and water and make a paste.

Take this paste in a bowl and spread it on the pan. Cook in light ghee and serve with coconut chutney and sambar.

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