
A sedentary lifestyle slows down your metabolism, which leads to weight gain. Due to this you will start facing digestive problems. If this is happening to you too, you should not delay in practicing yoga.

Along with working all day, sitting and lying down can damage stomach health. In fact, not only does sitting for long periods of time cause back stiffness, but eating unhealthy food can also lead to problems with the digestive system. As a result, the person suffers from abdominal pain, bloating, acidity and indigestion, which are signs of intestinal health. Practicing yoga is a great way to get relief from stomach related problems. It benefits the body and strengthens intestinal health. Let’s find out which yoga asanas to make a part of daily routine to maintain the strength of gut health (Yoga Poses Improve Gut Health).

To strengthen bowel health, incorporate these yoga asanas into your daily routine.

1. Seated Side Bend Pose

To maintain strong intestinal health, practice Prasva Sukhasana regularly. Due to this, stretch is felt in the stomach muscles, which strengthens the digestion and keeps the body healthy. Stomach related problems are also relieved.

Method to do this

To do this yoga pose, sit on the mat and keep your back straight.

Now place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh and take a deep breath.

Now raise both the hands and keep them in Namaskar posture.

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After this, bring both hands down, hold the right foot with the right hand and release the breath.

After that lift the left hand and bend the waist to the right.

After this, now take the right hand up and bend it towards the left side.

Gut health is strengthened by sharing it with yoga.
To maintain strong intestinal health, practice Prasva Sukhasana regularly. Image: Shutterstock.

2. Ardha Matsyendrasana (Seated Twist)

Regular practice of this yoga asana increases flexibility in the body. It keeps away digestive problems and helps maintain good intestinal health. While doing this, the stretch in the abdominal muscles increases, due to which blood circulation in the body is regular.

Method to do this

To perform this yogasana, sit straight on the mat and keep both legs straight.

Now bend both the legs at the knees and keep the spine straight.

Bring the right leg under the left hip and bend the right leg at the knee and rest it on the ground.

Touch the toes of the right foot with the left hand and hold the toes of the left foot with the right hand.

Practicing this yogasana for 30 seconds will bring benefits to the body.

3. Apanasana (Knee to Chest)

Follow this yoga asana to avoid cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. Apart from this, people who continue to have problem of pain in their legs. They should also do this yoga regularly. This yogasana strengthens the abdominal muscles and keeps the body healthy.

Method to do this

To perform this yoga asana, lie on your back on a mat and focus on your breathing.

Bend both the legs at the knees and bring them near the chest and hold the legs with both hands.

Take a deep breath and exhale. Keep the body in this pose for 30 seconds and close the eyes.

If you start to feel tension in the muscles of the lower part of the body, keep the body loose.

Benefits of Janine Bhujangasan
Yoga practice is necessary to burn the calories stored in the body. Image: Adobe Stock

4. Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

Bhujangasana performed at the eighth position in the Surya Namaskar sequence is good for the health of the intestines. Along with the lower abdomen, it also strengthens the shoulders. Doing this regularly will provide relief from stomach related problems.

Method to do this

Lie on the floor on your stomach. Now take a deep breath and lift the upper part of the body.

At this point, walk by keeping the legs straight and keeping distance between the two legs. Stand on your hands.

Lift the body up to the waist and move the neck back. Take a deep breath and exhale.

After keeping the body in this pose for 30 seconds, lie back on the stomach on the mat and keep the body loose.

Also Read- Malasana can also be done during periods and pregnancy, know the benefits for women


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