
Skin feels sticky after bathing. In such a situation, mother’s old recipe not only cools the body but also relieves the skin from tanning. Learn how Deton Natural Bath Water and Scrub is made

Due to the increasing heat day by day, the body faces sweat, bad breath and suntan. To combat this, the skin remains oily and sticky even after showering with normal soap and water. In such a situation, mother’s old recipe not only cools the body but also makes the skin glow and tan free. Learn the step-by-step process of making Dayton Natural Bathing Water and Scrub.

A special kind of bath water and scrub is made from neem leaves, rose leaves, lemon juice and green rice. Its exfoliating properties remove excess oil and dead skin cells and remove tanning. Regular use of it keeps the skin clean and healthy. Know the benefits of natural ingredients used to prepare this remedy for burning heat.

De Tan Bath Water
A special kind of bath water and scrub is made from neem leaves, rose leaves, lemon juice and green rice. Image: Shutterstock

Learn the benefits of natural ingredients

1. Rose petals

Rich in antioxidants, rose petals help ward off oxidative stress. This reduces fine lines on the skin and keeps the skin hydrated. Vitamin A and C present in it helps in increasing collagen in the skin. Rose petals also help control sebum secretion.

2. Neem leaves

Neem leaves have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It provides relief from skin allergies, rashes and free radicals. Apart from that, bathing with neem leaves in water can control body odor. Applying neem pulp on the face will relieve the problem of acne. Apart from that, black heads and white heads can be removed.

3. Exfoliate the skin with rice

Rice has anti aging and skin lightening properties. Regular application of these on the face keeps the skin hydrated. Apart from this, the problem of blemishes is also solved. The vitamins and minerals it contains help in exfoliating the entire skin.

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How to make Janine De Tan Scrub and Bath Water?
Regular use of it keeps the skin clean and healthy. Image: Adobe Stock

Follow these steps to make Diton Natural Bath Water and Scrub.

1 Pour 1 glass of water in a bowl, add 1 bowl of neem leaves, 1 bowl of rose leaves, juice of 2 lemons and 1 bowl of rice.

2 Now place this vessel on gas and boil water for some time. Let the water boil completely for 3 to 5 minutes.

3 Pour the boiled water into a separate vessel. Filter this water and add it to 1 bucket of water and take a bath twice a day.

4 It solves the problem of sweat and body odor. After bathing with the prepared water, keep the remaining mixture in a separate bowl.

Now learn how to make Deaton Natural Scrub

5 After straining the water, grind the remaining neem leaves, rose leaves and rice to make a thick paste.

6 Add 1 spoon of gram flour to it. After mixing the gram flour, mix it well and apply it on the face, neck and legs.

7 By using it instead of soap, the skin gets relief from the problem of dryness and excess oil.

8 After applying this paste on the face, wash it off with the prepared water for two to three minutes to make the face glow. Apart from this, the problem of increased sweating in the body also starts to be solved.

Also Read – Toner use is even more important during summer, follow these 6 steps for night skin care.


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