
If you want to tone your abs, try this intense and effective exercise called pistol squats. Here’s how to do this exercise correctly.

Squats are a great exercise that helps tone your lower body as well as your core muscles. They improve your posture and improve flexibility. While there are many different types of squats, the pistol squat is the most popular these days. The pistol squat is a single-leg squat where one leg is extended and the other leg is squatted. It requires balance, strength and flexibility. Here are some of the benefits of pistol squats and how to perform them correctly.

What is a pistol squat?

“The pistol squat, also known as the one-legged squat, is a difficult lower-body exercise that involves lowering your body into a full squat position while balancing on one leg with the other leg extended straight out in front of you. It works a significant amount of quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. Strength and stamina are essential. You need to maintain stability and balance throughout the exercise,” says fitness expert Yash Agarwal.

What are the benefits of pistol squats?

Here are some important benefits of pistol squats that you should know:

1. Low back pressure

“The traditional barbell back squat places the weight on the shoulders and back. If handled incorrectly, it can cause injury. However, the pistol squat is a bodyweight exercise that doesn’t put too much stress on the back. If weightlifting is too difficult, incorporating pistol squats is a great option. They make your muscles work harder without the need for any weights,” explains the expert.

2. Strengthens lower body muscles

Targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves, improving muscle strength and endurance. A study published in International Journal of Exercise Science Adding pistol squats or single-leg squats can help strengthen and tone your glutes. However, more research is needed to determine if it strengthens the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves.

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The pistol squat will help you tone your core. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

3. Helps develop core strength

Are you searching for an effective workout that will help develop core muscles? Try pistol squats. “Practicing pistol squats is helpful. “Pistol squats engage the core muscles to stabilize the body during the movement, which contributes to a stronger and more stable core,” says the expert. However, more research is needed to prove that the pistol squat helps develop core strength.

4. Increases flexibility

According to a study published in Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Science Pistol squats have shown to have a significant effect on the flexibility and increased muscle activity of the hamstrings. It also helped maintain the angle of decline of the knee joint, which helped improve stability.

5. Improves balance and stability

“The pistol squat requires balance and body control because the lifter must support himself with one foot during the entire range of actions. Joint stability and control are required to provide adequate joint tracking, body balance, and overall movement safety, which are some of the movements that demand a high degree of mobility, stability, balance, and body control. The expert explained that body weight is one of the activities.

How to do pistol squats?

Here’s a complete guide on how to do pistol squats as explained by an expert.

1. Begin with a thorough warm-up routine to prepare muscles and joints, including dynamic stretches and light cardio.
2. Stand with feet hip-width apart. Extend one leg straight out in front of you, keeping it parallel to the floor.
3. Begin lowering your body by bending the knee of the supporting leg. Keep the extended leg straight and on the floor.
4. Keep your back straight, chest up and arms extended for balance. Keep your knees in line with your toes.
5. Squat as low as possible while maintaining control, aiming to bring your hips below the level of the knee of the supporting leg.
6. Push through the heel of the supporting leg to rise back to the starting position. Keep the extended leg off the floor throughout the movement.
7. Do the desired number of repetitions on one leg before switching to the other leg.

Pistol squat
Here’s how to do pistol squats correctly. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Are there any side effects of pistol squats?

Here are some of the side effects of pistol squats as explained by an expert.

  • Pistol squats place significant stress on the knee joint, which can lead to strain or injury if not done with proper form.
  • You need to maintain balance, which can be challenging for beginners and increases the risk of falling.
  • Excessive flexibility requirements can lead to muscle strains if attempted without adequate flexibility training.
  • Improper form or insufficient core strength can put unnecessary stress on the lower back.
  • If performed without proper preparation, progression or technique you risk injury.

Make sure you consult an expert before making any changes to your exercise regimen.


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