
Fitness coaches often recommend reducing your daily caloric intake to lose weight. But that doesn’t mean starving yourself or giving up your favorite things. You can lose weight even without these.

When it comes to losing weight, many focus on their diet. Beyond diet, the word dieting has become one of the most trending words. Eating right and eating at the right time is the key to weight loss. Fitness coaches say that calorie deficit is also important along with exercise. But this does not mean starving. Therefore, today we are going to tell you some measures to lose weight, with which you can achieve your goal even without hunger.

Follow these steps to lose weight without starving yourself

1 Use small plates to eat

Serving food on small plates will keep you from eating too much and will keep you satisfied all the same. Now you may be wondering why this is happening. This is due to the illusion of the eyes, which are the eyes that count calories instead of the stomach.

Whenever you eat food, you eat until your plate is full. But if it is a small plate, when you put food in it, less food comes out compared to a big plate, which creates an illusion in your mind.

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It is important that you eat and chew food slowly. Image: Shutterstock

The color of the plate should be blue

Another better method you should know is to use a small blue plate. Research shows that the color blue creates the least appealing contrast with most foods, acting as a natural appetite suppressant. However, this effect may not work if you eat blue colored food. Even if the color of the plates matches the food served you may overeat.

3. Chewing food is important

It is important that you eat and chew food slowly. Because it takes 20 minutes for your brain to understand whether your stomach is full or not. Therefore, you should give your body time for this as well. One way to do this is to eat slowly and chew.

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One study showed that participants who chewed each bite 40 times ate 11% less food than participants who chewed each bite only 15 times.

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Do not sit or sleep immediately after eating. Image: Shutterstock

4. Take a walk after dinner

You should not sit or sleep immediately after eating, instead you should take a 10-minute walk. Light physical activity after a meal stimulates your GLUT4 receptors (glucose transporters), allowing your muscles to absorb the glucose you eat. It prevents the increase in insulin levels.

5 Stop for a while and then drink plenty of water

If you drink water, it confuses your mind and kills your appetite. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and especially before meals. Drinking a large glass of water before eating can help people lose more weight than cutting calories. And don’t forget to take water breaks during your meal to avoid eating too fast.

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