
A muscular body and a toned body are often considered opposites of each other. However, that is not the case. Obesity is a condition when your weight is higher than normal and starts affecting your health and daily routine. A few things will help you to get a shapely body.

For decades, fitness freak women have been told that a muscular body is not good. This makes the woman look fat. But this is not correct. A muscular body is also fit. A muscular body has more lean mass. To build lean mass, apart from doing regular cardio, it’s also good to lift heavy weights and do muscle-building exercises. Women should participate in the free weight section of the gym to have a muscular body. Women who love body building should not spend 100% of their fitness sessions in the cardio zone. Instead, they can do exercises that increase strength (toned muscles for women).

What is lean mass?

Body mass can be divided into two main components. Body fat (energy stores) and lean mass. Lean mass also includes muscles, organs, and bones. Each of these has different biological significance.

What is good lean mass?

Lean mass is calculated as the difference between total body weight and body fat weight. It appears as the weight of everything in the body except fat. A lean mass range considered healthy is 70% – 90%. 70 percent of them are women and more than men.

Here are 6 tips to help you get a muscular body without getting fat (Tips to Gain Lean Mass for Women)

1 Consume enough calories

Building muscle requires extra calories. Creating the building blocks for muscle growth is important. It basically requires consuming more calories than burning calories throughout the day. If this number is not followed, the calorie deficit will burden the body. When you’re eating according to your energy needs, your body’s priority isn’t building lean mass. Its priority is to conserve energy and function of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consume more calories than required for weightlifting training.

2 Get the Macronutrients Right (Macronutrients for Lean Mass)

For body building or increasing lean mass, women also need to consume macronutrients wisely. To improve muscle growth and recovery, women should consume approximately 1.6-2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of their body weight each day.
The remaining calories should be divided between carbohydrates and fats. For most women, the goal should be 55-70 grams of fat per day. The rest should be consumed for carbohydrates.

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Consume macronutrients to gain lean mass
For body building or increasing lean mass, women also need to consume macronutrients wisely. Image: Adobe Stock

Restricting carbohydrates when trying to increase lean mass is not good for health. A moderate to high carb intake can help with both performance and gains!

3 Hard training

Training is very important for muscle growth. For this, it is important to constantly challenge yourself. The stress on the body should be gradually increased during training. This involves increasing the number of training sets and increasing the number of repetitions in each set.
Applying high resistance to any exercise is also included under this. Diversity is important. Adding more resistance, i.e. increasing the weight, gives better results.

4 Meditation on the connection of mind and muscles

It is also important to stabilize the mind while focusing on muscle building. If there are many kinds of thoughts running through the mind, it will directly affect the exercise. If a woman engages in weightlifting, thoughts can upset the balance. Being overweight also increases the risk of injury. So keep your full focus on the muscle groups you are targeting. This will keep you in better shape throughout the session. This will give you maximum benefits.

5 Relaxation is important

Especially when you incorporate some seriously challenging workouts into your schedule to build lean muscle. So always plan your session. This allows for adequate recovery before targeting that area of ​​the body again. Don’t make your sessions longer than necessary. Instead of adding too many exercises, do a reasonable number of sets. Include at least 1 full rest day each week. By giving the body the rest it needs, one can stay energetic all the time.

Also take rest between work.
Include at least 1 full rest day each week. Image: Adobe Stock

6 Get enough sleep (good sleep)

Sleep is also important for recovery. Lack of sleep affects the body’s ability to build muscle tissue. It reduces strength. Most people need 7-9 hours of sleep every day. If you don’t get enough sleep regularly, it affects the body structure. So, make sure to get enough sleep.


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