
Anaerobic exercise is different from aerobic exercise. It reduces belly fat and keeps the body healthy. Weight lifting, power training, high intensity interval training can also be incorporated into anaerobic exercise. Learn about it in detail.

Every kind of exercise keeps the body healthy. Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise keep the body fit. They melt the belly fat and keep the body in shape. We learned about aerobic exercise in the previous article. This time let’s learn about anaerobic exercise. How to use energy to reduce belly fat (anaerobic exercise for belly fat)?

What is anaerobic exercise?Anaerobic exercise

Anaerobic exercise is similar to aerobic exercise. It uses energy in a different way. In anaerobic exercise, high intensity interval training exercise is performed. This includes weight lifting, circuit training and power training. This type of exercise offers many health benefits. It’s a great way to build, maintain, and lose weight while improving cardiovascular endurance. Along with aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, anaerobic exercise should also be a regular part of a weekly exercise routine (Anaerobic Exercise for Belly Fat).

Anaerobic Exercise Vs Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic means – oxygen and anaerobic means – without oxygen. Both are important for overall health, as they challenge the body in different ways. Anaerobic exercise involves short, fast, high-intensity exercise that does not allow the body to use oxygen, such as cardio or aerobic activity. Instead, anaerobic activity breaks down existing glucose in the muscles for energy. Aerobic exercise relies on energy stored in the body from carbohydrates, fat and breathing oxygen.

Usually repeat the anaerobic activity for 10 or 15 seconds before moving on to another type of activity. Aerobic exercise is easy to do for long periods of time depending on physical abilities.

What are anaerobic exercises?

Sometimes aerobic and anaerobic exercises overlap. If the exercise is done at high intensity for a certain period of time, aerobic exercise becomes anaerobic exercise.

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High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Power training and weight lifting, which challenge the body
Calisthenics such as jump squats, box jumps and plyometrics

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Sometimes aerobic and anaerobic exercises overlap. Image: Shutterstock

Effects of anaerobic exercise on health

Anaerobic exercise offers many health benefits.
• It strengthens bones
• It helps in burning fat
• Promotes muscle growth
• Helps maintain muscle mass as we age

Burns more calories (anaerobic exercise to burn calories)

We all know that muscle mass decreases by 1% every year after the age of 27. You can reduce muscle loss by staying active and incorporating anaerobic strength training into your exercise routine.

Anaerobic exercise burns more calories than aerobic exercise. Even without exercise, it increases the ability to burn more fat on a daily basis. It also helps increase energy levels for daily activities.

High intensity exercise
Muscle loss can be minimized by incorporating anaerobic strength training into your exercise routine. Image: Shutterstock

How much anaerobic exercise per week?

An average of 150 minutes of moderate activity plus anaerobic exercise can be done each week. Anaerobic exercise can be done 15-20 minutes, 3-4 days a week.

Strength training is just as important to health as cardio. Remember that if exercise is enjoyable, you’re more likely to stick to an exercise routine. If you have some difficulty doing anaerobic exercise, some other exercises can be done as well. Consider changing up your regular routine so you can stay fit and not bored (anaerobic exercise for belly fat).

Also Read :- Belly Fat: Aerobic exercises are an easy way to lose stubborn belly fat, learn how they work.


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