
Getting a good night’s sleep is not only good for your health, it also protects your skin from premature aging. Tell us how you can get better sleep.

We often use many products for skin care and treat the skin as just one thing. But skin is much more than that. Whether you shower early in the morning or shower with a bucket full of creams, retinol, serums or anti-aging products, your skin won’t look young. The truth is that one of the most important factors responsible for aging is incomplete or poor sleep.
One of the most important and free things that we tend to overlook and overlook is getting a good night’s sleep.

Why is sleep important for healthy skin?

When we sleep, your skin is automatically healed by a hormone called melatonin (often called the sleep-time hormone). This hormone works only when you are sleeping.

Melatonin is very important for your skin and plays a vital role in repairing the skin from environmental hazards, UV rays, stress, pollution etc. If you don’t rest, you can’t produce melatonin and your skin can’t repair itself. Your sleep is important for the production of melatonin, which heals the skin.

Anti-aging is good sleep
Lack of sleep increases cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Image – Adobe Stock

When you close your eyes, your skin experiences a surge of HGH, which is also considered your growth hormone. HGH release helps rebuild body tissues and increases cell production to firm and rejuvenate the skin. When you don’t get enough sleep, your skin can’t carry out this vital process, which is why your complexion looks dull and dull after a good night’s rest.

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Dermatologist Kalpana Soulanki of Clinique Dermatech says lack of sleep increases cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, which over time reduces collagen. There is a link between shut-eye and collagen production, which is why many experts consider sleep an important part of an anti-aging routine.

What to do for good sleep

Focus on reducing caffeine intake

We consume caffeine or coffee to get rid of sleep, lethargy and fatigue. Some people can drink coffee in the afternoon and get a good eight hours of sleep, but most people should stop drinking a few hours before bed. Try organizing your schedule and cutting back on caffeine early in the day to see if it helps improve your sleep quality. So there will be some improvement in your sleep.

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We consume caffeine or coffee to get rid of sleep, lethargy and fatigue. Image: Adobe Stock

Consider magnesium supplements

Research has shown that magnesium supplementation has a positive effect on both sleep quality and sleep time. Magnesium helps induce relaxation by interacting with certain neurotransmitters, lowering cortisol levels and increasing melatonin. You can also consume foods rich in magnesium.

Reduce your stress

Work increases and so do your worries. The worries of the day may come before you at night. Stress activates fight and flight hormones that disrupt sleep. Give yourself time to relax before bed. Do some activity to relax. To relax, start deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly and deeply and then exhale.

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