
If you are a big fan of mangoes and want to enjoy them without any side effects, then you need to know the right ways to eat mangoes. Learn the right way to incorporate them into your diet.

Talking about summer seasonal fruits, the most popular fruit is mango. Loves mangoes. Apart from being amazing in taste, mangoes also contain many other important nutrients. However, it is important to be careful while eating mangoes. Eating too much mango or eating it in the wrong way can lead to weight gain. If you are a big fan of mangoes and want to enjoy them without any side effects, then you need to know the right ways to eat mangoes.

Archana Batra helps you know the right way to eat mangoes. Nutritionist Archana Batra has been practicing in the field of dietetics and nutrition for over 15 years. A nutritionist mentioned some healthy ways to eat mangoes without gaining weight, so let’s get to know about it in detail (How to Eat Mangoes to Lose Weight).

Learn here the right way to eat mango (How to eat Mango to control weight)

1. Portion control is key

If you want to enjoy mangoes freely, or if you are on a weight loss diet and fear eating mangoes because of weight gain, don’t worry, you can eat mangoes safely by keeping a few things in mind. The most important thing is portion control, that is, keeping an eye on the quantity of food. We all always hear that eating too much of anything is not good and also that eating too much mango is bad for health.

Morning leaves stop the clouds from falling.
Nutrients in mango leaves prevent hair loss Image: Adobe Stock

Eating mangoes in limited quantities can help reduce body fat and blood sugar levels. At the same time, its essential nutrient quality provides many other benefits to the body. Moreover, it also has the quality of fiber, which is very beneficial for digestion.

If you consume too much fiber, sometimes problems like loose motion and stomach ache may bother you. At the same time, excessive consumption of mangoes can lead to weight gain. So try to eat one mango every day.

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2. Mangoes are a snack, not a dessert (eat like a snack, not a dessert)

Many people like to eat mangoes for lunch or dinner. However, this method is not correct at all. So, eating mangoes can lead to weight gain and other complications. In this way, eating mangoes leads to unnecessary supply of glucose in the body, due to which excess fat is accumulated in the body. Apart from that, mangoes should always be taken as a snack. Thus mangoes keep you satisfied for a long time and increase energy in the body.

You can have mango as a pre-workout snack before going for walking, swimming, cardio session, workout or exercise. It is a good source of sucrose, a fast-releasing sugar, and can be eaten after exercise.

Benefits of eating mango
Dietary fiber is also found in mangoes. It strengthens the digestive system and relieves problems like constipation and bloating. Image: Shutterstock

3. You can take it on an empty stomach

Nutritionists recommend eating mangoes on an empty stomach. Eating mango like this increases energy flow in the body. Our body needs alkaline foods in the morning. In such a situation eating mangoes on an empty stomach will not harm you. The quality of fiber in mangoes keeps your digestive system active more efficiently throughout the day.

4. Eat whole mango instead of juice

Consuming mango juice improves the quality of the fiber in it. Due to this, the total nutrients in mangoes are reduced. At the same time, it will not satisfy you for long. In such a situation, you will have more cravings and calorie intake will increase. This may cause you to gain weight.

If you want to eat it as a satisfying snack, eat a whole mango. It is important to avoid store-bought mango juice or any ready-to-eat food made from mango. Because it is high in sugar. These products can lead to weight gain because they are low in nutrition and high in simple carbohydrates.

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5 Diabetics should consume mango in this way

If you have diabetes or your blood sugar level is high, and you want to enjoy mangoes, drink amras made of mango pulp with saffron, cardamom and 1 to 2 teaspoons of ghee. It lowers the glycemic index in your body and keeps the blood sugar level under control.

Know the right time to eat in the morning
Know the right time to eat mangoes. Image – Shutterstock

Pay special attention to these things before eating mangoes in summer

1. It is very important to soak the mango in water for at least an hour before eating it. It enhances the absorption of healthy vitamins and minerals present in mangoes. Along with this, the chemicals present in the upper part of the mangoes are also removed.

2. Avoid drinking water immediately after eating mango. If you drink water immediately after eating mango, digestive problems will arise. In particular, you may face problems like stomachache, acidity and flatulence. Drink water only 1 hour after eating mango.

3. The combination of mango and certain foods is harmful. Many people like to have curd and mango as dessert which is very harmful for health. Do not eat mango with bitter and spicy food as it may trouble you with digestive problems.

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