Leg cramps can cause discomfort during the day and at night. But if you’re experiencing leg cramps mostly at night, it could be due to a charley horse.
Leg cramps at night can be so painful that they can disrupt sleep. A sharp pain that lasts only a few minutes and is mostly felt in the calves and feet. Charlie horses have involuntary contractions of the leg muscles, especially at night. They happen without any warning. People over the age of 60, athletes who use their muscles a lot, or those who exercise without an adequate warm-up are more likely to experience this cramp. Read on to learn the symptoms and causes of charley horse and what you can do to relieve the pain.
What is a Charlie Horse?
A charley horse is an uncomfortable involuntary leg cramp or spasm or muscle twitch that some people experience, especially at night, says orthopedic surgeon Dr. Simon Thomas. There is no exact reason why these occur mainly at night. This may be due to spontaneous signals from the brain and an imbalance between the signal and muscle activity. You may feel pain in your calf, thigh or foot muscles. Cramps usually go away on their own in 10 minutes or less, according to research published in Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews In 2021.
What are the characteristics of a charley horse?
Muscle cramps occur without warning and the frequency may last for days, weeks, months or years. Here are some features –
- People with charley horse usually have severe painful leg cramps at night. This usually wakes them up from sleep and makes them feel very uncomfortable.
- You will notice a gentle twist under the skin of the calves. It can affect one side, but usually, both sides are involved. Contractions usually subside suddenly, but sometimes they are persistent and last for a long time, affecting sleep.
- The affected muscle (for example the calf muscle) feels tight and contracted.
What are the causes of Charlie Horse?
Most of these cramps are idiopathic, meaning the cause is unknown, the knee and hip surgeon explains Dr. Jai Shahbut some reasons –
- Dehydration
- Lack of vitamins or minerals
- stress
- poor posture
- Cholesterol lowering drugs
- Overusing muscles while playing a sport or exercising
Such muscle cramps are more common in people with diabetes, liver disease and thyroid problems. Heat stroke or prolonged sun exposure can also cause severe muscle cramps.
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Elderly people are generally at greater risk because they have fewer tendons, Dr. Shah said. Pregnant women are also commonly affected due to increased swelling and weight gain during pregnancy. People with low water intake are also more affected.
How to Treat Charlie Horses?
Applying heat to the affected area can help charley horses. Here are some other ways to ease the pain for a while.
1. Stretching
Immediate relief is achieved by sudden or gentle stretching. For the stretch, start by pulling your toes and ankles toward your body. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then relax. Do this 10 to 15 times at a time.
2. Pain killers
Sometimes, painkillers and muscle relaxants are needed for three to four days of severe pain. They reduce inflammation and relax the calf muscles, relieving spasms, says Dr. Thomas.
3. Vitamin E
Long-term relief is provided by vitamin E and levocarnitine preparations if the condition is chronic and recurrent. These can be taken twice a day for about two months or as prescribed by your doctor.
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If you try these tips and it doesn’t work, you should consult your doctor.