
Did you know that there are actually many foods that, when eaten in combination with other foods, not only enhance the taste but also have double benefits for the body. Know those foods (healthy food combinations).

In daily life, from breakfast to dinner, there are many foods that are preferred to be eaten by pairing with other foods. It can be bread butter, pulses or rice or turmeric milk i.e. golden milk. Did you know that there are actually many foods that, when eaten in combination with other foods, not only enhance the taste but also have double benefits for the body? Let’s find out which foods, when combined, give the body double the nutrition (Healthy Food Combinations).

Dietician Shweta Shah Panchal gave detailed information on this. According to him, there are certain food items that, if eaten in combination with any other food to increase their nutrient level, can increase nutrient absorption. So these come in the super foods series and provide double benefits to the body. Moreover, by eating a mixture of two types of healthy foods, the body cells get adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein, which strengthens the body’s immunity and often solves the problem of hunger.

Benefits of combination of Janen Poha and Lemon
Squeezing lemon in poha improves iron absorption in the body. This prevents iron deficiency in the body. Image: Shutterstock

Eating these foods together provides flavor as well as nutrition.

1. Poha and lemon

Eating poha provides fiber and iron to the body. It strengthens the intestinal health and also solves the problem of anemia in the body. But if you add lemon juice to poha, its nutritional value starts to increase. In fact, squeezing lemon in poha increases the absorption of iron in the body. Due to this, there is no iron deficiency in the body.

2. Yogurt and almonds

Nutritious curd fills up the calcium deficiency in the body. It also increases the level of good bacteria. By eating yogurt mixed with nuts, the body gets unsaturated healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids, protein and fiber. By providing the body with healthy meals, the risk of heart related problems can also be reduced.

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3. Green tea and lemon

Lemon is rich in vitamin C. Green tea is rich in antioxidants. If you add lemon juice to green tea, it increases the absorption of antioxidants. It strengthens intestinal health. In addition, the body also receives anti-aging benefits.

Lemon, water and honey are at the door.
Both lemon and honey help clear the stomach.

4. Turmeric and black pepper

Curcumil, a compound present in turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To increase the absorption of this active compound, take it by mixing it with black pepper. The papain compound present in black pepper helps detoxify the body of toxins. It strengthens intestinal health and improves digestion. Using them together can provide relief from pain related problems.

5. Pulses and rice

By eating pulses and rice together, the body gets plenty of protein. The protein present in pulses is called lysine. Rice contains amino acids. It provides the body with abundant protein, which strengthens the digestive system and prevents hunger for a long time.

6. Tomato and olive oil

Consuming tomatoes provides lycopene to the body. The antioxidants present in it help prevent prostate cancer. Eating tomatoes marinated in olive oil increases the body’s absorption of phytochemicals.

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