
Are you familiar with tea? Then you should add this amazing turmeric tea that offers plenty of benefits to your health.

Have you ever heard of turmeric tea? It is one of the best teas originating in China and offers a unique taste. It is a fragrant tea with a smooth texture, pleasant aroma and fruity taste. Turmeric tea is similar to green tea, but it is not as harsh on the stomach. It is one of the six main categories of tea that provide many benefits to your health. It has a complex processing method and tea enthusiasts will thoroughly enjoy it. Some popular varieties of yellow tea are Junshan Yinzhen and Huoshan Huangya from China. Having said that, here are the benefits of turmeric tea and how to make it.

Why is it called turmeric tea?

Turmeric tea is named after its unique yellow color. The name is not derived from the color of the dried tea leaves or the infusion but from the color of the specially prepared mixture. In the final stages of processing, after the leaves are fixed and rolled, the tea undergoes controlled oxidation and moisture adjustments. This controlled oxidation distinguishes yellow tea from green tea, which does not oxidize to the same extent. As the tea undergoes this oxidation process, the color of the drink changes, turning yellow. The oxidation level of yellow tea is higher than that of green tea but lower than that of oolong or black tea.

A woman drinking tea
Turmeric tea offers many health benefits! Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

What are the benefits of turmeric tea?

While individual responses to consuming this tea may vary, here are the health benefits of drinking turmeric tea, as explained by nutritionist Twincy Ann Sunil.

1. Rich in antioxidant properties

Turmeric tea contains antioxidants such as catechins and polyphenols, which help neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce oxidative stress.

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2. Promotes heart health

Turmeric tea contains polyphenols, which are among the natural compounds that help reduce the risk of heart failure and cardiovascular disease. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants, antiatherogenic and antihypertensive effects that further reduce risk, a study published in the journal Cardiovascular Medicine found.

3. Helps in weight control

The combination of caffeine and catechins in turmeric tea contributes to increased metabolism, which aids in weight management. Caffeine helps increase energy expenditure, while catechins may aid in fat oxidation.

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4. Improves mood

Turmeric tea, like other teas, contains L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. The combination of L-theanine with a mild caffeine content in turmeric tea contributes to a calm and focused state of mind.

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5. Promotes intestinal health

Compounds in turmeric tea, such as tannins, may have mild astringent properties that can relieve digestive problems.

6. Improves dental health

Polyphenols found in turmeric tea may have antimicrobial properties that help promote oral health. Drinking tea without added sugars also contributes to better dental hygiene.

7. Good for your skin

The antioxidants in turmeric tea have potential benefits for the skin by protecting against oxidative stress and supporting collagen production.

8. Boosts immunity

The immune boosting properties of turmeric tea can be attributed to the presence of antioxidants and other bioactive compounds. Regular consumption contributes to overall immunity.

How to make turmeric tea?

What’s needed

  • Yellow tea leaves
  • 1 ½ cup of water
  • Sweetener: Honey, jaggery, or brown sugar


1. Boil one and half cups of water and keep it on medium heat for two minutes.
2. Add 5 grams of turmeric tea or more if you want it stronger. Now, keep it upright for 2 to 5 minutes.
3. Add the sweetener of your choice and adjust the sweetness according to your taste.
4. After few minutes strain.
5. A beautiful yellow tea is ready for you to sip hot.

Best time to drink turmeric tea

The right time to drink turmeric tea can vary based on personal preferences, lifestyle and health considerations. Like many other types of tea, turmeric tea can be enjoyed first thing in the morning for a gentle boost of energy. The moderate caffeine content, along with the potential mood-enhancing effects of the amino acid L-theanine, helps to start the day calm and focused. It’s a good choice for an afternoon pick-me-up, providing a moderate caffeine boost without the high levels found in some black teas or coffees.

Benefits of turmeric tea
Yellow tea is better than black tea and coffee. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

Are there any side effects of taking turmeric tea?

1. The caffeine content in turmeric tea can make it difficult for you to fall asleep or fall asleep if taken close to bedtime.
2. Excessive caffeine consumption can cause feelings of irritability, restlessness or nervousness.
3. The tannins and catechins in yellow tea may cause stomach pain, acid reflux or indigestion in some people, especially on an empty stomach.
4. Excessive tea consumption, especially on an empty stomach, may cause nausea in some people.
5. Allergic reactions manifest as itching, swelling, hives or difficulty breathing. In such cases, immediate medical attention is required.
6. If you are taking medications for bp, heart conditions, or stimulant medications, consult a medical professional to ensure there are no adverse interactions.
7. Like other teas, turmeric tea contains compounds that contribute to tooth staining over time.



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