
Living with your parents and other relatives is good for your mental health. On International Day of Families, take a look at the benefits of living in a joint family.

Thasana Lourembam, a 25-year-old teacher from Manipur, starts her day by feeding her family. She is not alone. Her mother and aunt joined. Her daughters-in-law are responsible for keeping the house clean. Meanwhile, her brother attends to their grandparents’ needs, and her father and uncle keep her nieces entertained. They share their joys and sorrows, successes and failures. Living in a joint family has many benefits – from reducing stress on a single person, building a strong support system and fostering bonding to reducing the risk of loneliness. Every year on May 15th we celebrate the International Day of Families to celebrate the benefits of living in a joint family.

What is joint family?

Living in a joint family is a family arrangement where multiple generations such as grandparents, parents, children and their spouses live together in the same household. This structure divides resources, duties and decision-making between family members, says psychotherapist and life coach Dr Chandini Tughnite.

A young woman enjoying the benefits of a joint family
Living in a joint family reduces stress. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What are the benefits of living in a joint family?

Published research has revealed that children from joint families have better mental health compared to those from nuclear families BMC Public Health Journal in 2021. Also, children with high family engagement may typically have
According to a 2022 study published in , those with fewer psychological complaints and less family engagement had higher life satisfaction compared to those with less Journal of Adolescent Health,

While nuclear families are becoming the norm, here are some more benefits of living in a joint family:

1. Built-in support system

With multiple generations living together, there is an easily accessible network of emotional, practical and financial support. It is especially useful during times of stress, illness or life changes such as marriage or pregnancy.

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2. Less stress

Child care, household chores and care of senior family members can be distributed among multiple members. It reduces weight and stress in any individual.

3. Intergenerational learning

The expert said that joint houses enable the sharing of knowledge and expertise across generations. Children can benefit from the expertise and experiences of their elders, while the older generation can keep up with changing cultural trends through younger members.

4. Better mental health

Being part of a close-knit family can provide a strong sense of identity, belonging, and emotional stability. These help improve mental health.

5. Conflict resolution skills

Managing the complexities of a joint family requires good communication, compromise and conflict resolution skills. These lead to better interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.

6. Fellowship and social engagement

Living with multiple family members provides a steady supply of companionship and social engagement. These are especially good for young and old people, reducing the risk of loneliness and social isolation.

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7. Emotional resilience

Experiencing the perspectives and coping techniques of other family members can help individuals develop emotional resilience and adaptability. These help prepare them to face the obstacles that life throws at them.

Joint family members eat together
Spend quality time with your family members. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What are the disadvantages of living in a joint family?

Living in a joint family has many advantages, but you should also recognize the potential pitfalls and obstacles that may develop.

  • Personal privacy and personal space can be jeopardized when several families live together, leading to overcrowding and lack of autonomy.
  • If differences in personality, values ​​and lifestyles within the extended family are not resolved through open communication and compromise, they can lead to conflicts and power struggles.
  • Family members may mistakenly or intentionally interfere in personal decisions or offer unsolicited advice, causing resentment and tension in relationships.
  • Creating appropriate boundaries between family members can be difficult, especially when it comes to decision-making, finances, and parenting practices.
  • Supporting a large family can put a strain on family finances, especially if income sources are limited or there are arguments about resource allocation.
  • Balancing different lifestyles such as food choices, religious practices or personal habits can be difficult and lead to conflict within a joint family.

How to strengthen bonds in a joint family?

Sometimes, people live in a joint family, but do not have a great bond. Strengthening relationships in a joint family involves deliberate effort, honest communication and a willingness to tolerate differing opinions, says Dr. Tughnight.

  • Prioritize quality time by having regular family gatherings, eating meals together, or engaging in leisure activities that encourage connection and foster cherished memories.
  • Clear roles, responsibilities and boundaries help prevent conflict and promote peace in the home.
  • Encourage open and respectful discussion where each family member’s voice is heard and valued.
  • Celebrate personal achievements and milestones together to foster a sense of community and pride.
  • Find ways to commemorate and preserve family traditions, such as cultural festivals or storytelling to deepen intergenerational bonds.

To enjoy the benefits of living in a joint family, you must embrace the unique dynamics and diversity of your home. Build a strong support structure based on love, respect and shared commitment to provide a harmonious and rewarding living experience for all members.


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